Friday, July 10, 2009

Where Has Our Standards Gone?

For those of you who are older, do you ever wonder what has caused our society to become so tolerant toward sexuality here in America. Why is it that it is ok for a business to place commercial ad in the media that show woman in a sexual manner to sell something like tires or a hamburger. What does a woman in a bikini have to do with a hamburger, absolutely NOTHING!!! Good Morning America did a segment on this topic this past week. It reminded me of a topic that was discussed in my history class this past semester. This has been happening for a long time but it has progressively gotten worse. The notion that sex sells needs to be changed. The only way to change it is to let our voices be heard. Hardees and Carl Jr. asked the public for video submissions of Hot Chick's eating Burgers. They got them, A girl riding an electric bull while eating a Burger. When these companies were contacted they replied by saying that their ads are "….. intended to communicate the core message of our premium quality food to our target audience of young hungry guys. We do not aim to exclude or offend any other group." I want to know what kind of ad will they do for young hungry girls, we eat to. I can guarantee it won't be any guy in a sexual manner. Now don't get me wrong, I really would not want that either.

We need to look at the way we view woman. We are not sex objects. The way woman are depicted in the media does have a direct influence on young girls. If young girls see's guys falling all over someone dressed in a skin tight mini skirt and halter top then that is more likely what they will want to wear, this even applies to if they see their favorite celebrity wearing something like that. I have heard people say "well that is just how kids are these days", that doesn't make it right. Our standards need to get back to where they belong. We need to refocus our thoughts onto God. Listen to him, pray and he will guide you to what you need to do. I do plan on writing sometime in the near future about modest dress, and what the Lord is leading me to do now in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Just yesterday I passed by a store with t-shirts in the doorway with half naked females on them, and other accessories to match these with the same picture and I wondered the same thing you asked. I started to walk in there and tell them about it....That I would never even walk in a store with this type of advertising, much less buy something from them. Advertising and design is geared directly toward the younger/vulgar/anything goes generation. I wonder about the ages and type of people that are in charge/managers/owners of these businesses. They cater to young women in the clothing business, leaving older women with no choices. They target young men as well. Where does this leave us?? With very little say, and I guess they don't want our money, either.
