Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Perfect Church: Waht is It?

Part of the process of me finding myself is finding a church home where I feel TRULY welcomed and accepted. I want to feel like I belong there and that my daughter belongs there. More importantly, I want to feel like we both can grow in our walk with God and grow individually. There is a link, in my opinion, between one's spirituality and self-esteem, and knowing who you truly are. I sometimes find myself looking for a new church home. I guess I just have never found the right fit for me. But, how do we find that right fit, and is there a perfect church for anyone? The second part to that question is easy, I think, NO there is not an ideal church for everyone.  No church is perfect because the church is truly just a body of believers. They are all humans and make human mistakes, so how can a church be perfect. We can at least find one where we feel more comfortable. I often think of the song that I learned as a child, you know the one where you intertwine your fingers together and sing. “ I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together. All who follow Jesus all around the world Yes we’re the church together. The Church is not a building; the Church is not a steeple; the church is not a resting place; the Church is the people. (This is where you show your hands together and lift up your pointer fingers to show a steeple, then open your hands with fingers still intertwined to show the people) I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together….”

When looking for a church home for me, it is essential if they follow the teachings in the Bible. Yes, this can get a bit challenging, depending on how you interpret the Bible’s teachings. Instrumental music or not, communion every Sunday or not, is just a few issues that I know exist. Oh, you can’t forget infant baptism or not. Some of these I feel are only issues that really don’t matter. Now, don’t get upset I did say SOME of these, to me infant baptism is a vitally important one. I fell that when a person is baptized, they are making an outward commitment to God, how can an infant know to do that and make that kind of commitment.
One thing that is also an issue in some of the churches I have attended comes down to homosexuality. Now, don’t get me wrong (yes, I know it is a HOT topic) I do believe the Bible has strict views against homosexuality. I believe that if a person comes out and says that they are homosexual, bisexual or anything that goes against the heterosexual (man & women) teaching then they should not be allowed to have a leadership position in the church. They should not work with children ALONE in the church.  Noticed I said ALONE!!!! This also goes for any person working with children, not one person should ever be allowed to work alone in a classroom with children.
Furthermore, the person who admits to being homosexual, bisexual, Pan, etc. should NOT be told to leave the church. Remember, Christ was friends to sinners that is who he helped. I know of a church that onetime told a young lady to leave the church because she was bisexual, but the same leadership told a grown man who was found to be a predator that he should just stay away from the women and children. Why is there a difference? These are the individuals that need to be in the body of Christ to learn what the scriptures truly tell us.
A church should NOT judge anyone. The bible even warns about us judging others. Now there is a fine line that can be blurred. Sometimes, when a Christian approaches someone, they see sinning and the point it out to them with the use of scriptures, it can be thought of judging. It really is not judging, because we are told to show others what the true word of God by lovingly using scripture. Think about how Christ approached sinners in scriptures, how did he show them to way to live their lives.
Have I found the right church for me? I am not sure, the church I attend has sometimes failed me in my time of need. Other times it has gone far, and above any need, I may have. I do have one instance where the church I attend now failed me in a way that broke my spirit. I asked for help about my daughter with a specific and possible life-threatening issue, and they did nothing. I was left to deal with it on my own and try to help her through it all alone. Yes, it still bothers me, and sometimes when I attend, which is almost every week, I still feel as if the body there does not care. Like many though I hide behind my smile and try to act as if all is ok. I think this is one reason why I hate asking them for help because when it really mattered, they did nothing.

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