Thursday, July 9, 2009

Desire to Be a Godly Woman


I have sometimes wondered if I was born in the wrong decade. I know it sounds funny but I wish I could live the life of a woman in the mid to late 19th century. I know life would have been hard, but from what I have studied it seems that it would have been very rewarding. I don't mean rewarding as in being a CEO of a major corporation today, or even being nominated for the Noble Peace Prize. See I am not like many women in today's society. I don't long to have a master's degree, or out in the workforce. My desire is at home. Now there are some that would say that is because I am lazy. I am not lazy in the least. I have had lazy days, more lately than I should, but I am defiantly not lazy. My desire is to be a Godly wife and mother. I want to be a woman that not only my husband would be proud of but more importantly a woman that God would be proud of.

Some say that a woman should be able to do whatever a man does. If a woman wants to go to war she should do it, if a woman wants to ride a bull she should do it, if a woman wants to be president she should do it, and if a woman wants to be a pastor of a church she should do it. I believe a woman should marry, have children and guide their home. In 1 Timothy 5:14 it even says this: "I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully." Now I know that a woman just can't go out and get married. It's not like there is a store or place to just go to and get a husband. The man must show an interest in the woman and he should be the one to ask to marry. I also know that even if a woman does get married she may or may not be able to produce children. However they can always adopt. The point here is that if you are a married woman you should be the keeper of the home. That does not mean that you rule over your husbands. You are simply to see to the needs of the home, making sure it is well kept, food is in the home and if children are present they are to be trained in the way of the Lord. I am very happy staying home cooking and cleaning. Homeschooling my daughter and teaching her how to be a Godly woman that I hope she will become. That will be my reward, know that my daughter is living a life acceptable to God.

Now, I am not saying that if you work outside the home, your house is cluttered, and you send your children off for someone else to care for you are bad. I know and fully understand that in today's society sometimes it is necessary to work outside the home. However I do feel that sometimes we make it necessary to do these things. By that I mean sometimes we cannot tell the difference between a Want and a Need. The only things that are needed to survive are food, clothing and shelter. You don't need the latest fashions either. We don't need to have cable with all the bells and whistles, in fact you don't need cable at all. Get a basic service, or even better read a book. Cell phones are the same way. You don't need to have everything added just in case you do one day use it. A simple plan with an xxx amount of minutes is all you need. Too many times it comes down to I want instead of I need. And no you don't need the extra money so you can pay for the Digital Cable with HD, especially when you only watch maybe 10 of those channels on a regular basis. Wouldn't it be nice if cable companies let us choose what stations we want and don't want to watch then set our bill biased on that only?

God's command to women is simple. Ephesians 5:22 says "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." We are to be under the authority of our husbands. Our husbands are under the authority of Christ. Maybe if we as woman, did not try to dominate our husbands the divorce rate would not be as high as it is. This is God's plan for us. We were created to be our husbands "Help Meet".

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