Why does it seem so many people want to blame God when things don't go right, but yet when they do go right they won't give God any credit? It seems to me that these types of people believe that everything good in their life is because of their own hard work and they did it all on their own. But as soon as one thing goes wrong it is not because of something they did themselves it is because of God. I believe that God is all powerful and he can do anything. I don't think God causes bad things to happen but I do believe that he does let it happen. All things happen for a reason, both good and bad. We should always learn something from everything that happens in our lives. One thing that is hard to remember is that God's time is not our time. He knows what is best for us. Maybe we should think of what we consider unanswered prayers as answered prayers God's way. Not everything that we ask for is good for us or in God's plan for us. It seems like so many want to take God out of our lives and only seek him when we want something. We should seek him always.
One of my friends and her family are truly seeking God in everything they do. I have always admired my friend's devotion toward God. It is very obvious the she and her family truly love to serve the Lord. They are now beginning a new chapter in their life and walk with the Lord. They are going to become missionaries. I pray that whatever the Lord has in store for them in this new venture that he keeps them safe and that the love of the Lord will continue to shine through their lives.
I was talking with my sister the other day. I don't remember exactly how the conversation got on the topic of her oldest daughter and her doctor but it did. Anyway, apparently my niece's doctor began to talk to her about God. My niece got offensive. My sister said "You don't talk to Andrea about God". My sister then proceeded to tell me that she had heard the doctor talking to another patient about God. I told her that it is good that the doctor was talking about God to her patients. My sister's reply crushed me. She said "You can talk too much about God". I thought at that time "No you never can talk too much about God", but I did not say it. I should have and I know it. I am very concerned about my sister's salvation and her kid's salvation