Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bible Literally or Not

I want to know what others believe about the Bible. Meaning I want to know if you think it should be taken literally. I want everyone to post their thoughts about this. I don't however want you to bash others because of their comments. I will delete any comments that bash someone else for their thoughts. If everyone posts something I should have a very wide view. I have friends that are conservative Christian, Liberal Christian and some are agnostic, even a few atheist. Myself, I think if something is repeated in the Bible then yes we should take it literally.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Church Will Be a Good Fit?

I was lucky enough to be raised in a Christian home. I lived with my Grandmother until I was 8. During that time we attended Windsor Park Church of Christ. I guess you can say this is where most of my beliefs come from. After the age of 8, we attended a Methodist Church. My mom had remarried, a Methodist minister, so that is why we changed denominations. Do any of my current beliefs come from the Methodist thinking, some maybe? I have yet to find a denomination that I totally agree with all beliefs. I guess I really never will either. Maybe the way I interpret the Bible is all wrong, maybe not. No one will really know until we meet God.

So here is a basic breakdown of my beliefs. I have decided to go more in depth of each belief in latter blogs. I know that some of these may offend some out there but please remember these are my beliefs and feelings on what I have read in the Bible. I may be wrong or right. As I said before we will never know until we see God.

  1. Women are to be submissive to their husbands
  2. Women should NOT have authority over a man
  3. Women are NOT to be leaders in the Church
  4. Women CAN teach young children in the Church
  5. Women are to be Keepers of the home
  6. Husbands are to be the Head of the home
  7. Infants should not be Baptized
  8. Marriage is between a Man and women only
  9. Homosexuals should NOT have leadership positions in the Church. They should be allowed to attend just not have a leadership position.
  10. You should not have to Apply for membership to a Church
  11. Older Women should Teach younger women
  12. Communion should be every worship service


Of course there are more and some of these will interconnect. I will group them together as I write more on each one.